Alphabet, Craft Activities, Easy Snacks, Family, Food, Free PDF Downloads, Garden, Juices & Smoothies, Mains, Penny Saving Mum, Rainbow, Recipes, School Subjects, Shapes, Soups, Weaning, Word search Sheets PDF
Vegetable Word Searches Easy and Hard Versions with Answers
Here are two free printable Vegetable Themed Word Searches for you to download and use either at home or in the classroom! (one easy version and one hard version). I have also provided the answer sheets below for easy reference checking answers. Have you explored my other free Word Searches such as the free printable Fruits Word Searches or the free School Subjects Word Searches? Get them completely free here! Click to access Vegetables-EASY-VERSION-PDF.pdf We own these four wooden pallets of wooden foods shown above which includes fruits, vegetables, dairy items, breads and meats. Not only are they more durable and better for the environment than plastic food shapes, they…